domingo, 15 de mayo de 2011

Conversations with my new friend Uan Ceriaptrix in Second Life... :D

JorgeLNavaC: Hello... My name is Jorge what's you name?
Uan Ceriaptrix: My name is Uan Ceriaptrix
JorgeLNavaC: Where are you from??
Uan Ceriaptrix: I'm from México
JorgeLNavaC: mmm ok ... what do you do??
Uan Ceriaptrix: well, in SL, I'm an artist and builder
Uan Ceriaptrix: in RL, I'm biologist and also visual artist
Uan Ceriaptrix: I like so much plants in both worlds
Uan Ceriaptrix: and art, science & technology
Uan Ceriaptrix: I'm learning always
JorgeLNavaC: wow tha's good... congratulations... :D
Uan Ceriaptrix: you're welcome
JorgeLNavaC: how old are you?? so do you have many time in SL...
JorgeLNavaC: How is Mexico??
Uan Ceriaptrix: well, I was born in SL january 2009
Uan Ceriaptrix: in RL, 49 years
Uan Ceriaptrix: México is a great country, plenty of nature, culture and art; but as any country, with some problems today
Uan Ceriaptrix: some drugs wars in some cities now
Uan Ceriaptrix: but no so much proble for the normal people
JorgeLNavaC: yes it's true....
Uan Ceriaptrix: I think art, science andd technology are the solution
Uan Ceriaptrix: not politiccs, war and economy
JorgeLNavaC: mmmm ok... :D
JorgeLNavaC: I want that you visit when you want... my blog
Uan Ceriaptrix: a pleasure, please send me the link in IM
Uan Ceriaptrix: you can visit my blog too
JorgeLNavaC: it's
Uan Ceriaptrix: wait...
JorgeLNavaC: ok
Uan Ceriaptrix: I'm in
Uan Ceriaptrix: I will see your blog later
Uan Ceriaptrix: I have now your link
Uan Ceriaptrix: you can take my URL at the URL giver
JorgeLNavaC: well ... thanks... excuse me.... can you explain me how I take a photo here...
JorgeLNavaC: wait
Uan Ceriaptrix: click in this box
Uan Ceriaptrix: to take URL and also LM
JorgeLNavaC: I need a photo with you...
Uan Ceriaptrix: sure, you can take pics
Uan Ceriaptrix: do you know how to take pics?
JorgeLNavaC: no... I don't know
Uan Ceriaptrix: well, at your bottom hud viewer, there is a button
Uan Ceriaptrix: you send it to hard disk
Uan Ceriaptrix: you can take lot of pics for free in SL
JorgeLNavaC: well
JorgeLNavaC: ready
Uan Ceriaptrix: good
JorgeLNavaC: thanks nice to meet you... :D
Uan Ceriaptrix: me too, nice to meet you Jorgee
Uan Ceriaptrix: enjoy your SL.

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